We Served, We Settled
 Patriots and Pioneers - The legacies of the Shane and Beck families

Family: Shane, Charles Wesley / Robinson, Sarah (F769)

m. 1880

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Shane, Hiram WilliamShane, Hiram William
Male (1810-1862)
Stansbury, Susan LyonStansbury, Susan Lyon
Female (1821-1896)
Shane, Mary JaneShane, Mary Jane
Female (1841-1924)
Shane, Emma VirginiaShane, Emma Virginia
Female (1842-1933)
Shane, William ComforShane, William Comfor
Male (1845-1923)
Shane, Ida JosephineShane, Ida Josephine
Female (1851-1901)
Shane, James FlorivalShane, James Florival
Male (1855-1928)
Shane, Ella ElizaShane, Ella Eliza
Female (1858-1912)
Shane, Sarah LouiseShane, Sarah Louise
Female (1861-1944)
Robinson, SarahRobinson, Sarah
Female (1853- )
Shane, Charles WesleyShane, Charles Wesley
Male (1847-1913)
Shane, HiramShane, Hiram
Male (1872-1873)
Shane, MaryShane, Mary
Female (1873- )
Shane, FrederickShane, Frederick
Male (1877-1969)
Shane, UnknownShane, Unknown
Female (1880- )
Shane, LauraShane, Laura
Female (1891- )